
The society page – picture of a young greylag goose

(10 October 2024) Registration is open! The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Ethologische Gesellschaft, taking place from 19-21 February at the beautiful Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing, promises an exciting gathering of behavioural biologists. Highlights include a special symposium on Evolutionary Behavioural Genetics, featuring research on how genetic variation shapes diverse animal behaviours—don’t miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts and cutting-edge science! Register here and note that participation is limited to 110 people.

(19 July 2024) We are thrilled to announce that Dr Zegni Triki has been honored with the 2024 Tinbergen Award! This prestigious accolade celebrates Dr Triki’s exceptional contributions to the field of ethology. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, and we look forward to new research from your lab!

(27 February 2024) Congratulations to our new honorary member Prof. emer. Michael Taborsky!

(27 February 2024) What a fantastic annual meeting we had in Münster! A big thank you to the organising team, Melanie Dammhahn, Sylvia Kaiser, Helene Richter and Rebecca Rimbach for such a wonderful event with stellar plenary talks by Barbara Klump, Denis Réale and Daniela Röβler! Congratulations to our Gwinner awardees Max Licht, Laura Knapwerth and Lisa Orndorf for their outstanding talks, as well as Miriam Scriba, Melanie Gleske and Elena Groneberg for their outstanding posters.

(16 February 2024) Less than one week to go until we meet for our Annual Meeting in Münster. Check out their website to see the exciting programme and ways to register last minute.

(21 December 2023) Attention: Applications are open for the distinguished Niko Tinbergen Award, which recognises exceptional scientific achievements at post-doc level! This award comes with €1500, a keynote talk at the European Conference on Behavioural Biology, and publication opportunities. Nominate candidates by 31st of January 2024 to honour outstanding early career researchers.

(22 November 2023) Save the date! The Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society in 2024 will be at the University of Münster. The meeting will be from Wednesday 21 February (late afternoon) to Friday 23 February 2024 (late afternoon) in the Münster castle.

(12 May 2023) Congratulations!!! Due to very high demand, the Ethological Society decided to award not three, but five members with a travel grant to attend Behaviour23 in Bielefeld. See you all there.

(01 March 2023) Woohoo! The Ethological Society will be supporting society members with up to three travel grants to attend Behaviour23 in Bielefeld. Everybody who is a member is eligible (you can join even on the same day of submitting your travel grant application). Please fill in this form and submit it to our funding officer until the abstract deadline.

(27 February 2023) The next Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society will take place in Münster (Germany) from 21st to 23rd of February 2024. More details will follow closer to the date. Thank you very much Helene Richter, Melanie Dammhahn, Rebecca Rimbach and Sylvia Kaiser for organising the conference!

(27 February 2023) We hope you had a safe trip home and enjoyed the conference as much as we did. Our Annual Meeting in Berlin was an amazing meeting with lots of great science, fantastic plenaries, stellar contributions, and the best – it was all in person! Thank you, Lars, for organising such a wonderful conference.

(24 February 2023) We are delighted to announce that we elected Prof. emer. Barbara König to be an honorary member of the Ethological Society in recognition of her outstanding contributions to our society and the field of Ethology more general.

(07 February 2023) Check out the great programme of our annual meeting in Berlin here. Exciting!

(10 January 2023) We wish you all the best for 2023 and are delighted to announce that Dr Hanja Brandl has taken up the ‘communication officer’ post. She has been already very busy tweeting society news. Dr Manon Schweinfurth has now taken over the manager role from Prof. Helene Richter, who has been in post for six years and has done a wonderful job. Thank you, Helene, for all your hard work!

(01 January 2023) Registration to our 18th Annual Meeting is open. Follow this link to join us in Berlin, organised by Prof. Lars Lewejohann at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. The deadline to present your work is the 18th of January.

(19 October 2022) Save the date! The next annual meeting of the Ethologische Gesellschaft will be held 22-24 February 2023 in Berlin, Germany. We can’t wait to meet you in person! As usual, the organisers are trying to keep the costs as low as possible (especially for students) while giving everyone a good time.

(27 September 2022) Wow – our twitter community is really growing! Over the past years, they have become a very special community in addition to our registered society members. Thus, we are over the moon that more than 2,000 followers are interested in us – thank you!!!

(26 July 2022) ECBB is over and it it was amazing! Stellar plenaries, countless interesting presentations, and a fantastic social programme. We would like to thank the organizers and their team for making this such a great experience.

(23 July 2022) The ECBB is the conference at which our society awards their most prestigious award – our biannual Tinbergen Award. Due to the pandemic, the ceremony for 2020 awardee, Dr Lysanne Snijders, was combined with the one of the 2022 awardee, Dr Manon Schweinfurth. Congratulations both for their outstanding research contributions!

(10 March 2022) Registration for the European Conference for Behavioural Biology (ECBB: 20-23 July 2022) in Groningen (NL) is now open. The deadline to submit an abstract is 30 April. Please note that the society supports eligible members attending the conference with travel grants.

(07 March 2022) Congratulations: Simon Tragust received funding for his project, entitled “Towards automatic tracking of sanitary behaviours involving antimicrobial compounds in space and time”.

(28 February 2022) The Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V. provides up to €1,000 for student projects. Applications are welcome in any field of Ethology. The deadline is 31st of March. More information can be found here.

(26 February 2022) Following our General Assembly on the 25th of February, the new (extended) council of our society has been announced. After working for our society for many years, e.g. as treasurer and career advisor, Dr Oliver Schülke has left us. We are sad to see Ole leaving and would like to sincerely thank him for all his work! The vacant position was filled with Dr Cristina Tuni. 2023, Prof. Helene Richter will leave the council, who will be replaced by Dr Manon Schweinfurth, who is the acting communication officer. Dr Hanja Brandl will take over Manon’s role in 2023.

(25 February 2022) The second virtual conference of the Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V. is over and we enjoyed it very much. We would like to thank all speakers and delegates for making this an amazing conference with stellar talks and great discussions. Congratulations to the 2022 Gwinner awardees Magdalena Wlodarz and Ondřej Fišer for their truly outstanding talks in the category science slam and traditional talk.

(02 February 2022) We are very happy to announce that our program for our online meeting is live. More information can be found here or on twitter (@EthoGes).

(31 January 2022) All society members are warmly invited to our biannual General Assembly, taking place shortly before our annual meeting on the 25th of Febraury at 10am (CET). Make sure to let our our secretary know ( that you would like to attend.

(17 January 2022) The registration for our second virtual conference has closed now. We are reviewing the abstracts and we will notify our presenters soon.

(10 January 2022) The Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V. provides up to €2,000 for research projects, however small or big they may be. Applications are welcome in any field of Ethology. The deadline is 31st of January. More information can be found here.