General funding options

Funding page – picture of a mandarin duck pair

An overview of all academic awards and funding opportunities of the Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V., including deadlines, can be downloaded here.

Every other year, we award the Niko Tinbergen Award for outstanding scientific contributions in Behavioural Biology and related topics. The award takes the form of a research grant of €1500 and the recipient is given the opportunity to present a keynote talk about their work at European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Every year at our Annual Meeting of the Ethologische Gesellschaft, the Gwinner Award is awarded to acknowledge and reward outstanding scientific presentations of excellent early-career researchers. More information about our awards can be found here.

Research and Travel Grants
The society awards several grants to support research projects for researchers at all career stages, workshops and conference attendance grants. More information about our grants can be found here.

Research institutions
We offer a list of institutions that teach and research Behavioural Biology at a higher education level, which can be found here.

The Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V. is a non-profit organization and we are always grateful for donations. Donations are 100% used to support excellent young researchers. Donation receipts (for tax refunds) will be provided on request; please contact the treasurer.

Donations should be sent to:
Ethologische Gesellschaft
Raiffeisenbank im Naabtal eG
Konto: 6437753
BLZ: 75069171
IBAN: DE76750691710006437753